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Core Knowledge

The scholars of Islam considered knowledge to be the cornerstone of life as a Muslim. Through this learning he or she tells right from wrong, moral from immoral, lawful from unlawful. In this collection of materials, you’ll find a series of articles covering the central themes of Islamic practice.

Al-Isra' and al-Mi^raj

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Praise be to Allah, the Owner of the universe. May Allah raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad, the noblest of the Messengers. Allah, the Glorified and Exalted, is the One Who Created the skies and the earths and Who Exists without being confined by place or time. Allah granted that our Messenger Muhammad journey in body and soul from al-Masjid al-Haram in Makkah to al-Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem during the Night Journey (al-Isra) and ascend through the skies during the Mi^raj.

Read more: Al-Isra' and al-Mi^raj


Perfect Islam

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The goal of every Muslim is to end his or her life in the state of perfect Islam. This is the condition of being free of sin. The perfect Muslim is the one who performs all of the obligations and avoids all of the sins. Such a person dies without sins on their record and in the Hereafter will be placed immediately in Paradise. This person will be safe from the punishment in Hellfire that is suffered by the sinful Muslim.

Read more: Perfect Islam


The Attributes of Allah

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Praise be to Allah, the Owner of the universe. May Allah raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad, the noblest of the Messengers. Truly none but Allahu ta^ala is worthy of worship. He, subhanahu, is the One who created this whole world and all that it contains and His Existence is without a beginning. Glory be to Allah, the Exalted, He Exists now as He has Existed in Eternity.

Read more: The Attributes of Allah


The Prophets of Allah

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Islam is the religion of all the Prophets, starting with Adam, ^alayhis-salam, and ending with Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. Each Prophet was granted a pure and true faith in Allah and protected absolutely from falling into error in belief. Every Prophet is an upright and pious Muslim who obeys the commandment of Allahu ta^ala to teach people about their religion.

Read more: The Prophets of Allah


The status of a Prophet

The Prophets were sent to mankind as a grace and a mercy from Allah, subhanahu wa ta^ala. The Prophets are the best of creation and in status they are higher in rank than any Angel or any human who is not a Prophet. The first of the Prophets was Adam, ^alayhis-salam, and the last our Master Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam.

Read more: The status of a Prophet