Ramadhan 2023

AICP UK would like to wish you and your family a blessed RamadhanDuring this special month, we hope that your days and nights will be filled with acts of obedience and we ask that Allah, the Exalted, grant you and your families a high status in the Hereafter.

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Celebrity spats have always sold papers and things are no different in the internet age. Rather than the Eurozone crisis, it’s turmoil within the Kardashian Klan and Elton John’s latest bun-fight that draw attention to the pages of the Daily Gossip. But when it comes to public tiffs, it’s not only the tabloids that relish the scent of blood in the air.

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Fulfilling dreams

Fulfilling dreams

"Be fearful at night when you are hopeful (of Allah’s mercy),
and be hopeful (of Allah’s mercy) if you wake up fearful.
So often time has brought hardships,
and with them, mercies (from Allah)."
Ibn ^Asakir

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A Juz' a day

A Juz' a day

The odd weekend away without the kids is a rare treat when you become a parent. Especially when that involves attending a special event like a wedding. Just before dinner was served, a brother from our table was called up to the stage, I couldn’t make out his name but I recall the word 'hafidh' being mentioned. A beautiful recitation from the Holy Qur'an followed. At one point the brother paused to close the mus-haf he was following from, and continued reciting with what can only be described as an intense love and connection with the Honourable words. His eyes were focused on what he had committed to memory, his heart unfolding hours of study, dedication and guidance.

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"Sometimes things happen to people and they’re not equipped to deal with them." A reasonable enough remark perhaps, but not particularly clever. Surprising then that this rather banal piece of prose from the 2008 novel The Hunger Games has been revealed by bookseller Amazon as the most commonly highlighted passage on the Kindle; some eighteen-thousand or so eager readers saw fit to draw attention to it on the bestselling e-reader.

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Perfect Islam

Perfect Islam

The goal of every Muslim is to end his or her life in the state of perfect Islam. This is the condition of being free of sin. The perfect Muslim is the one who performs all of the obligations and avoids all of the sins. Such a person dies...

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The well-spent life

The well-spent life

To some, a well-spent life is one that is dedicated to family, to raising children and to spending time with relatives. To others, it is a life that is spent developing a career or business interests, or given to the worldly enjoyments that these pursuits afford. Still others spend their...

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The Prophets of Allah

The Prophets of Allah

Islam is the religion of all the Prophets, starting with Adam, ^alayhis-salam, and ending with Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. Each Prophet was granted a pure and true faith in Allah and protected absolutely from falling...

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Investing in the future

Investing in the future

Economic down-turn. Financial instability. Depressed markets. It’s all over the place nowadays, with garish, leering headlines and faux-concern on the brows of newsreaders. Like most of us I’ve never really understood the ins-and-outs of economics, but now the stories are thick and fast and so relentless they’d make a seven year-old’s...

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Flexing your muscles

Flexing your muscles

A pound every five years. That’s what they said. Five years of inertia sitting on the sofa and I’d likely be a pound of muscle lighter. That’s after the age of twenty-five; beyond fifty and allegedly it’s an even sharper drop. I’m feeling scrawnier by the minute. I suppose it’s...

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Wisdom in the woods

Wisdom in the woods

As the first warm waft of spring floats through the windows, there’s every reason to believe that the fleeting English summer may be on its way before long. It’s not in my character to be too reflective about the changing seasons, but it’s hard not to become a bit ruminative...

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Minding one’s own business

Minding one’s own business

If you’re having problems getting things done in life, it may be because there are things on your radar screen that shouldn’t be there. Simply minding your own business can streamline your life.

It's a version of “de-cluttering” - getting rid of things that are clogging up the works. It's related...

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The Muslim consumer

The Muslim consumer

Consumerism is in several ways a feature of many of our lives, that is the need and want to buy certain things which we deem to be either necessary for our daily survival or niceties to have. Whether we realise it or not, society- through ever increasingly clever marketing,...

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Life as a Muslim surgeon

Life as a Muslim surgeon

The question: how does a busy Muslim surgeon working in the NHS maintain perspective on life values and focus on developing a successful career, while being wary of the trappings of modern secular surroundings? Daily exposure to patients and their families being affected by terminal illness, death and bereavement weighs...

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About Us

About Us

The Association of Islamic Charitable Projects (AICP) is a non-profit international organisation founded in the 1930s. We are part of a global movement working towards a just and harmonious society.

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Our Shaykh

Our Shaykh

On Tuesday 2 Ramadan 1429 (September 2 2008), the Association of Islamic Charitable Projects sadly announced the death of Shaykh ^Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al-Harariyy, the great scholar in Tafsir, Hadith and Fiqh.

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Support Us

Support Us

At our Birmingham centre and in our classes around the country, AICP UK continues its efforts to make a positive contribution to the world we share. In our schools children learn the traditional Islamic sciences alongside important lessons in good citizenship.

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